15th Dec 2023 - Electives, Feedback and Assistant Reps

Hello peepos, it has been quite some time since I have made a big announcement for y'all. 

Elective Posting

So a reminder about elective postings, we have to submit the elective info(due date is 26/12/23 but better y'all give by 23/12/23 sebab nak process nanti). since surprisingly some have not noticed the existence of this important folder. 

I have attatched the drive folder link in the button above you can see that there are 2 pdfs: which are the lampiran B and the proposal

So In the submission folder, each student is required to create a folder and put your files in there. 

📎 Folder naming format is full name & ID 


📎 Each student folder content: 

 1.⁠ ⁠Proposal

 2.⁠ ⁠Lampiran B

 3.⁠ ⁠IC pdf 

this part of the announcement is done by koshalaa

Now for my part of this announcement. 

As you guys saw, I need you guys to please submit by 23/12/23. Sebab nya simple saja bang. sebab the reps and the subgroup leaders must help to

Also guys there will be a google spreadsheet that you also need to fill as this is also required by the office 👍🏽

Feedback Sessions.. no longer 'air asia pilot grand line reflection'

For this part guys there is nothing much (if I am not mistaken) but do start planning who will be your next speaker and target by middle of the rotation (except for sp1 and 2 I suppose since you guys ada 3), prep your feedback in advance

Also note that we no longer need to have the 'introduction' to the postings anymore. just focus straight to the feedback. kena pikir betui betui yaa guys, self reflection takes time, which is why I want to remind you guys early. 

Additional power to the team!

Posting Group Assistant Reps

As you guys already know by now some of the posting groups have new reps! and those groups would be group A and Group C

Welcome Farhana Abdillah as the assistant rep for group A and Muhammad Ilman as the assistant rep for group C!

Feedback Reps

And this is a list of the new feedback reps that we have hired!

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Group E

Activity Rep

As previously Fikri was the temporary rep for the activity team, now for the permanent rep, Hakimi Izzati will be taking this role.